Syntynyt/D.O.B 6.2.2006
Isä/Sire: EC Don Juan of Coon-Castle, MCO d 09 22
Emo/Dam: IC Belushies Ashanti, MCO f 22
In Memoriam 6.2.2006 - 23.6.2013
NomenEst Jeepers Creepers
punatabby/valkea kastraattiuros
red classic tabby/white neuter male
MCO d 09 22
Omistaja/Owner: Hanna Nivus
Fife SC & CFA CH NomenEst Jupiter Jones, JW
sinitabby/valkea uros
blue classic tabby/White male
MCO a 09 22
Omistaja/Owner: Anne Sarpo, NomenEst
*Best Maine Coon kitten 3 - 6 months in Finland 2006*
*2nd Best Maine Coon kitten 6 - 10 months in Finland 2006*
*Best Maine Coon kitten in InCat club 2006*
*3rd Best Semi-longhair kitten in InCat club 2006*
*3rd Best Semi-longhair kitten in SUROK club 2006*
*7th Best Maine Coon male in Finland 2008*
*Best Maine Coon Breeding Male in Finland 2011*
*3rd Best Breeding Male in category 2 in Finland 2011*
*Nominated for BIS in Tampere 20.5.2006*
*Nominated for BIS in Tampere 21.5.2006*
*Best In Variety and Best In Show kitten 3-6 months in Jämsä 17.6.2006*
*Best In Show kittens 3-6 months in Jämsä 18.6.2006*
*Nominated for BIS in Kempele 2.7.2006*
*Best In Variety and Best In Show kitten 3-6 months in Helsinki 29.7.2006*
*Best In Variety and Best In Show kitten 6-9 months in Kuopio 17.9.2006*
*Best In Variety in Porvoo 30.9.2006*
*Best In Variety and Nominated for BIS in Porvoo 1.10.2006*
*Best In Show kitten 6-9 months in Tallinn, Estonia 18.11.2006*
*Best In Show kitten 6-9 months in Tallinn, Estonia 19.11.2006*
*Best In Variety and Nominated for BIS in Seinäjoki 10.3.2007*
*Best In Variety in Tallinn, Estonia 18.8.2007*
*Best In Variety in Tallinn, Estonia 19.8.2007*
*Best In Variety in Kempele 6.7.2008*
*Best In Variety and Nominated for BIS in Helsinki 3.8.2008*
*Best In Variety in Tampere 4.10.2008*
*Best In Variety and Nominated for BIS in Tampere 5.10.2008*
*Best Breeding Male in Seinäjoki 2.4.2011*
*Best In Variety-tot. in Kempele 2.7.2011*
Nominated for BIS in Tampere 3.9.2011*
*Best Breeding Male in Tampere 4.9.2011*
NomenEst Jean Harlow
"Kultu Kimallus"
kilpikonnatabby/valkea kastraattinaaras
brown classic torbie/white female spay
MCO f 09 22
Omistaja/Owner: Tapani Westman
NomenEst Jokers Wild
punatabby/valkea kastraattiuros
red classic tabby/white neuter male
Omistajat/Owners: Tiina Lahti & Marko Takala
*Best In Variety in Tampere 20.5.2006*