IC Belushies Ashanti
International Champion
Belushies Ashanti
Syntynyt / D.O.B 24.8.2002
kilpikonnatabby kastraattinaaras / brown classic torbie female spay
MCO f 22
Isä / Sire: GIC Seascape Pyewacket, MCO n 22
Emo / Dam: Antarcin Peach Pearl of Belushies, MCO e 22
2 x Kategorian paras / 2 x Best In Show
1 x Vastakkaisen Sukupuolen paras / 1 x Best Opposite Sex
9 x Tuomarin Paras / 9 x Nominated for Best In Show
6 x Värin Paras / 6 x Best In Variety
*3rd Best Semi-longhair Kitten in SUROK 2003*
*2nd Best Semi-longhair Kitten in InCat 2003*
*Best Maine Coon Kitten in InCat 2003*
*4th Best Maine Coon Kitten 6-10 months in Finland 2003*
*6th Best Maine Coon Female in Finland 2003*
FeLV & FIV negatiivinen / FeLV & FIV negative
PKD negatiivinen / PKD negative
HCM-ultra negatiivinen 08/2003 & 09/2005 / HCM negative 08/2003 & 09/2005
HCM dna 1 N/HCM
Lonkat / Hips: Good (OFA)
Kasvattaja / Breeder: Manuela Falke, Belushies cattery
Saga on C-pentueen, F-pentueen & J-pentueen emo.
Saga is mother to our C-litter, F-litter & J-litter.
9 kuukautta / 9 months old