Syntynyt/D.O.B 3.8.2004
Isä/Sire: EP & EC Chamberlain Master Of Orion, DM, MCO e 22
Emo/Dam: IC Belushies Ashanti, MCO f 22
IC NomenEst Flamin' Mamie
kilpikonna naaras/tortie female
Omistajat/Owners: Marjatta & Ari Keskinen, Laramillan
*Best Maine Coon Breeding Queen in Finland 2007*
*Nominated for BIS in Helsinki 4.12.2004*
*Best In Variety-tot. and Nominated for BIS in Helsinki 5.12.2007*
*Best In Variety and Nominated for BIS in Helsinki 23.4.2005*
*Best In Variety in Tampere 5.6.2005*
NomenEst Forever Texas
ruskeatabby kastraattiuros/brown classic tabby neuter male
MCO n 22
Omistaja/Owner: Monica Eck, Castlehill's
*10th Best Maine Coon Kitten 3-6 months in Finland 2004*
*Nominated for BIS in Helsinki 4.12.2004*
*Nominated for BIS in Helsinki 5.12.2004*
*Best In Variety-tot. and Nominated for BIS in Vaasa 5.3.2005*
*Best In Variety and Nominated for BIS in Turku 2.4.2005*
NomenEst Fonda Wanda
kilpikonna naaras/tortie femal
Omistaja/Owner: Ronny Sterup, CozyCoon
*Best In Variety and Nominated for BIS in Koege, Denmark 22.1.2005*
In Memoriam 3.8.2004 - 5.12.2010
NomenEst Fancyman Blues
sininen kastraattiuros/blue neuter male
Omistaja/Owner: Katja Kapanen
*Best In Variety-tot. in Turku 20.11.2004*